Details of Listed Stock

Stock Information

As of September 30, 2023

Stock Code 5929
Stock and Security Exchange Listings Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market)
Industry Metal products
Number of Shares per Unit 100
Authorized Shares 550,000,000
Shares Issued 231,000,000 (As of September 30, 2023)
Number of Shareholders 13,895 (As of September 30, 2023)
Business year From April 1 to March 31
Exercise of voting rights at Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders March 31
Record date of shareholders eligible for profit dividends March 31
Record date of shareholders eligible for interim dividends September 30
General Meeting of Shareholders Held in June of every year
Transfer Agent and Registrars Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Corporate Agency Department 1-1, Nikkocho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 137-8081, Japan
TEL: 0120-232-711
Shin-TOKYO Post Office
post office box No.29
*Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation[stock-related procedures]
Method of public notice The Company’s main method of issuing public notice is electronic. However, public notices are published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper when an electronic public notice cannot be given due to an accident or other unavoidable circumstance.

Shareholder Information

Top 10 Shareholders

As of September 30, 2023

Shareholders Number of stocks in thousands Percentage of voting rights
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 31,653 14.31
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 16,336 7.38
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 11,037 4.99
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 8,100 3.66
Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd. 5,140 2.32
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation 3,877 1.75
Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. 3,810 1.72
Nippon Life Insurance Company 3,348 1.51
  • 1.The Company holds treasury stock, which is excluded from the major shareholders listed above.
    Number of shares held: 9,914 thousand shares
    Percentage of total shares issued: 4.29%
  • 2.Percentage of voting rights is calculated based on the total number of shares issued excluding treasury stock.

Breakdown by Investor Type

  September 2022 March 2023
Number of stocks in thousands Percentage of voting rights Number of stocks in thousands Percentage of voting rights
Government and public bodies 0 0.00 0 0.00
Japanese financial institutions 95,424 41.31 90,120 39.01
Japanese securities firms 2,886 1.25 4,161 1.80
Other Japanese corporations 16,042 6.94 15,470 6.70
Foreign corporations 81,809 35.42 87,425 37.85
Japanese individuals and others 24,851 10.76 23,907 10.35
Treasury stock 9,985 4.32 9,914 4.29
Total 231,000 100.00 231,000 100.00

Articles of Incorporation