Stock Information

Check company information such as the current stock price and historical stock price data on Yahoo! Finance. Click the image below to open Yahoo! Finance in a new window.


  • 1. The stock price information on Sanwa Holdings Corporation outlined above is provided by Yahoo! Finance.
  • 2. Note that we bear no responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information on the sites linked above.

Highest and lowest stock price for the past five fiscal years

Settlement month/year 85th Term 86th Term 87th Term 88th Term 89th Term
Year ended March 2020 March 2021 March 2022 March 2023 March 2024
Highest (yen) 1,367 1,550 1,606 1,478 2,729
Lowest (yen) 666 741 1,121 1,090 1,375