Manufacturing -Solve Social Issues Through Our Business-

Background and significance of materiality initiatives

SDGs and other initiatives aimed at creating a sustainable society are being improved around the world. In addition, there are increasing needs for preparedness and resilience to protect and support safety and security in people’s lives, due to the impact of natural disasters caused by climate change and COVID-19.
The Group’s products, including shutters, doors, and partitions, are designed to prevent, protect, and separate. As well, related services contribute to building a sustainable and resilient society, and the challenges we must tackle are growing. In addition to ensuring and improving quality—the highest importance to us as a manufacturer—we intend to both help resolve social issues and achieve sustainable growth through unending research and development.

Sanwa Group’s opportunities to create value and the risks to be addressed


  • Contributing to a “safe, secure, and convenient” society through our products and services,which solve social issues such as climate change and disaster / Increasing Revenue
  • Ensuring product safety and differentiation from competitors through high quality and consistent supply
  • Creating a prosperous society through technological improvements to products and services
  • Contributing to the creation of resilient communities through the growth of our service businesses


  • Loss of public trust in the event of a product accident
  • Loss of competitiveness due to delays in responding to social needs and differentiation in product development
  • Decline in quality due to aging facilities, lower production efficiency, and poor installation quality
  • Accidents and a decline in reliability due to age-related deterioration caused by factors such as delayed response to repairs and inspection services

Targets (KPI) /Achievements and progress in fiscal 2022/Future challenges

ESG Materiality Targets (KPI) Achievements and progress in fiscal 2022 Future challenges
Mitigate/adapt to climate change, prevent disaster loss through products and services Net sales of products that contribute to climate change mitigation: ¥96.0 billion (FY2024) ¥106.6 billion
(FY2021: ¥76.9 billion)
  • Further development and sales expansion of products that meet diversifying needs
  • Quantification of environmental contribution
Net sales of products that contribute to climate change adaptation: ¥18.0 billion (FY2024) ¥20.5 billion
(FY2021: ¥14.0 billion)
Net sales of products that contribute to disaster prevention: ¥81.0 billion (FY2024) ¥69.1 billion
(FY2021: ¥62.0 billion)
Net sales of maintenance and service business: ¥76.0 billion (FY2024) ¥74.2 billion
(FY2021: ¥64.1 billion)
Quality Assurance and Enhancement Achieve quality targets in line with each company’s quality policy
  • Early detection of trends and complaints and pursuit of causes through system monitoring
  • Reinforcement of product verification during shipment and on-site acceptance
  • Improvement of workability through the use of connectors, etc.
  • Continuous risk assessment during development and specification changes
  • Rapid pursuit of causes and continuous implementation of essential measures