Initiatives Towards a Decarbonized Society


The Sanwa Group contributes to the realization of a sustainable, affluent society through the emission reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in order to appropriately address climate change risks.

CO2 Emission Reduction Targets and Trends

The Sanwa Group recognizes the impact of our business operations on the global environment and the importance of mitigating this impact. In May 2022 we established new environmental targets and a new policy for achieving carbon neutrality.

CO2 Emission Reduction Targets


10% reduction from
FY2019 level

*Sanwa Shutter Corporation


30% reduction from
FY2019 level

*Sanwa Shutter Corporation


Sanwa Group aims to achieve
net zero CO2 emissions from business activities

CO2 Emission Reduction Trends (Japan, Global)

※In December 2022, Japan’s figures from FY2019 to FY2021 updated following a change in calculation method in line with a third-party verification. Adjusted emission factors have been used since FY2019.

Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission

Sanwa Shutter Corporation and other domestic group companies have established and are operating an environmental management system based on ISO 14001 guidelines, and we are working to reduce our impact on climate change by setting targets for energy reduction and efficiency, as well as targets for lower CO2 emissions.

CO2 (Scope1+2) Emission Reduction Trends (Sanwa Shutter Corporation)

※Figures from FY2019 to FY2021 have been updated following a change in calculation method in line with a third-party verification. Adjusted emission factors have been used since FY2019.
※The Japan Management Association GHG Certification Center (JMACC) has provided third-party verification of the values for Sanwa Shutter Corporation’s CO2 emissions from FY2021.
※From the fiscal year 2023, it includes 82.16t-CO2 of heat and steam supply received by the Shinjuku Mitsui Building from the Shinjuku District Heating and Cooling Center.

Electric fan heater installed in drying furnace
Electric fan heater installed in drying furnace
Demand monitoring system at Shizuoka Plant
Demand monitoring system at Shizuoka Plant
Solar power generation system (Ota Door Plant logistics building)
Solar power generation system
(Ota Door Plant logistics building)
Solar power generation system (Kyushu Plant)
Solar power generation system (Kyushu Plant)

To achieve our CO2 reduction targets, Sanwa Shutter Corporation calculates and reduces Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions from business activities) and Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions from the manufacturing stage of energy used in business activities) at production sites (plants) and nonproduction sites (offices).
At our plants, initiatives for reducing Scope 1 emissions include upgrading to energy-efficient equipment and reducing operating hours by improving productivity. Scope 2 emission reductions include using renewable energy, switching to LED lighting, as well as using monitoring systems to visualize demand and consumption of electricity to reduce energy use.
In March 2021, Sanwa Shutter's Ota Door Plant switched from using boilers for drying paint to using electric fan heaters, reducing kerosene consumption by more than half.
In December 2021, solar power generation system was installed on the roof of the logistics building at the Ota Door Plant. The total area of the panels is approximately 3,500 m2, and they reduced CO2 emissions by approximately 73 t-CO2 in FY 2021, 280 t-CO2 in FY 2022, and 329 t-CO2 in FY 2023.
In addition, in July 2023, solar power generation system was installed on the premises of the Sanwa Shutter’s Kyushu Plant. The total area of the panels is approximately 7,000 m2, which contributed to approximately 349 fewer t-CO2 of CO2 emissions in FY 2023.
In our offices, in addition to switching to LED lighting and updating air conditioning systems, the company is also switching to eco-friendly sales vehicles to reduce gasoline consumption.

As a result, despite of the increase in electricity and fuel use at the plant due to increased shipments, Sanwa Shutter Corporation’s CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2) in FY 2023 decreased by 0.9% from the previous year and 7.4% from FY 2019 (the base year). Overall domestic CO2 emissions decreased by 1.4% from the previous year.

Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption in Logistics (Sanwa Shutter Corporation)

The introduction of management system contributed to a more efficient use of logistics energy
The introduction of management system contributed to a more efficient use of logistics energy

Adhering to the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy, Sanwa Shutter Corporation is working to achieve a 1% reduction in energy consumption intensity of production per year and a 1% average improvement in energy consumption intensity of production per year over five years. To reach these goals, the Company is implementing multiproduct mixed delivery using depots (small distribution centers) in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Sendai, and Shikoku. In addition, in July 2020, the Company introduced a vehicle dispatch and warehouse management system to improve the efficiency of vehicle dispatching and promoted better warehouse entry/exit and inventory management. These moves helped improve the loading ratio and reduced the number of vehicles sent out.

Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission (North America)

In FY 2021, ODC began calculating CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2) from ODC headquarters and all plants. The results for FY 2023 were 25,374 t-CO2 (Scope1: 7,153 t-CO2, Scope2: 18,222 t-CO2), representing an 11.3% decrease from the previous year.
Pensacola plant of ODC uses computer-controlled lighting and an energy-efficient air-conditioning system in order to reduce unnecessary electricity use.
Additionally, the Centralia plant has switched to energy-efficient lighting and Won-Door has not only changed the office area lighting to LED but also upgraded the HVAC systems to more energy-efficient models, striving to reduce energy consumption.

  • Air-conditioning system at Pensacola plant
  • Computer-controlled energy-efficient system

Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission (Europe)

In FY 2021, NF Group began calculating CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2) from NF GmbH headquarters and all plants. The results for FY 2023 were 17,117 t-CO2 (Scope1: 11,307 t-CO2, Scope2: 5,809 t-CO2), representing a 16.9% decrease from the previous year.
In the NF Group, Riexinger plant in Germany, NF Door plant in Poland, Robust AB's plant in Sweden, and Vertriebs sales company in Germany have acquired ISO 14001 certification and are working to reduce energy consumption, and in the Riexinger, Machcoul, and Bavilliers plants, we have implemented energy consumption monitoring systems to improve energy efficiency. To help reduce CO2 emissions, solar power generation systems (panels) were installed in the Luton Plant in the UK and the Schievano Plant in Italy in April 2023 as well as the Alsal Plant in Spain in May 2023.

  • Solar power generation system
    (Luton Plant)
  • Solar power generation system
    (Schievano Plant)

Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission (Asia)

Solar power generation system
Solar power generation system
(Shanghai Baochan-Sanwa Door)

In FY 2022, Asian subsidiaries began calculating CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2) from Asian subsidiaries headquarters and all plants. The results for FY FY 2023 were 3,134 t-CO2 (Scope1: 527 t-CO2, Scope2: 2,607 t-CO2), representing a 24.5% increase from the previous year.

We have introduced solar power generation facilities at Shanghai Baochan-Sanwa Door since May 2023, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and electricity costs. Additionally, solar power generation facilities were installed at Sanwa NF Changshu, and operations commenced in June 2024. The total panel area is 6,680 m2, with an expected annual reduction of approximately 1,397 t of CO2 emissions.

Scope 3 Initiatives

To achieve a carbon neutral society, it is necessary to reduce CO2 emissions not only within the Company but also throughout the entire supply chain. For the first step to reduce overall CO2 emissions in the supply chain, we began calculating the previous year's results of Scope 3 emissions (Categories 1, 3, and 4) from the FY 2023. In the FY 2024, we will newly conduct calculations for Categories 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11. As a manufacturer, we have obtained third-party verification for Category 11 (use of sold products) = the CO2 emissions resulting from the use of products sold to customers, which is closely related to us.

Scope 3 Emission Calculation Results and Calculation Method

Fiscal year: FY2023(From 1/April/2023 to 31/March/2024)
Boundary: Sanwa Shutter Corporation

Item CO2Emission
Calculation Method Third-Party
Activity volume Emission intensity
Scope3 417,306      
  Category 1 Purchased goods and services 261,663 Purchased weight of steel, stainless steel, and aluminum Emission intensity per purchased weight
  Category 2 Capital goods 10,158 Capital expenditure Emission intensity per price of capital goods
  Category 3 Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 4,642 Energy consumption for fuel and electricity Emission intensity per energy volume
  Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 11,954 Fuel consumption (diesel) related to the transportation of goods (factories to sales offices) which Sanwa Shutter was identified as the consigner Emission intensity per weight of diesel
  Category 5 Waste generated in operations 2,046 Waste disposal cost Emission intensity per waste disposal cost
  Category 6 Business travel 411 Number of employees Emission intensity per number of employees
  Category 7 Employee commuting 1,340 Number of employees by work location Emission intensity per by work location and working day
  Category 10 Processing of sold products 40,766 Product installation outsourcing cost Emission intensity per product installation outsourcing cost
  Category 11 Use of sold products 84,328 Lifetime electricity consumption of products that use the electricity sold in the target year Emission factors by electricity provider and alternative values

※Uses emission coefficients indicated in “Database of emissions unit values for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain(ver.3.4)”and “National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology IDEA Ver.2.3”.

Scopes 1, 2, 3 Emissions and Composition

The total emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3 in the FY 2023 amounted to 439,424 t-CO2. Scope 1 emissions were 10,051 t-CO2 (2.3% of the total), and Scope 2 emissions were 12,067 t-CO2 (2.7% of the total), while the total emissions for Scope 3 were 417,306 t-CO2, accounting for 95.0% of the total. Particularly, emissions from Scope 3 Category 1 were 261,663 t-CO2, representing 59.5% of the total (62.7% of Scope 3 emissions), and emissions from Category 11 were 84,328 t-CO2, representing 19.2% of the total (20.2% of Scope 3 emissions), constituting a significant portion.

Fiscal year: FY2023 (From 1/April/2023 to 31/March/2024)
Boundary: Sanwa Shutter Corporation

Item CO2Emission
Breakdown (%) Third-Party
Percentage of total Percentage within Scope3
Scope1 10,051 2.3
Scope2 12,067 2.7
Scope3 417,306 95.0 100.0  
  Category 1 Purchased goods and services 261,663 59.5 62.7
  Category 2 Capital goods 10,158 2.3 2.4
  Category 3 Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 4,642 1.1 1.1
  Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 11,954 2.7 2.9
  Category 5 Waste generated in operations 2,046 0.5 0.5
  Category 6 Business travel 411 0.1 0.1
  Category 7 Employee commuting 1,340 0.3 0.3
  Category 10 Processing of sold products 40,766 9.3 9.8
  Category 11 Use of sold products 84,328 19.2 20.2

※Figures might not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Collaboration with external organizations

As a member of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), the Sanwa Group exchanges information related to climate change. Moreover, the Representative Director Chairman of Sanwa Shutter Corporation, our Group company, has served as Chairman of the Japan Rolling Shutters & Doors Association (JSDA), and has been working hard on flood prevention. The goal is to create a resilient society that can withstand intensifying natural disasters due to climate change. We have also been actively involved in the management of this association, including the appointment of the Representative Director and Chairman of Sanwa Shutter Corporation as its chairman.
Sanwa Shutter Corporation complies with Japan’s Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy, a law that addresses climate change in Japan. As well, we submit reports to the government once a year on energy consumption, our achievement of energy conservation targets, and greenhouse gas emission volumes.