Health and Productivity Management

Health and Productivity Management

Message from a Health Management Officer

Director,Senior Executive Officer
Hiroyuki Yamazaki
Responsible for Corporate Planning Unit

We conduct our global business activities guided by our mission of contributing to the prosperity of society by offering products and services that provide safety, security and convenience. To provide these products and services, we believe it is important that our employees and their families are able to lead healthy as well as safe, secure and convenient lives, both in their private life and working life. This focus on the health of our employees, a critical asset, is paramount to the Sanwa Group's continued growth and contribution to society.
Our Compliance Code of Conduct clearly states that "the Sanwa Group will exert maximum efforts to ensure workplace health and safety, and to maintain pleasant work environments where every employee can work with enthusiasm." Accordingly, we implement various initiatives to protect the health of employees and their families.
In addition to internal measures, we will devote efforts to ensuring that employees pay attention to their own health and can voluntarily maintain and improve their health.

Management System

In the Sanwa Group, the director responsible for the Corporate Planning Unit of Sanwa Holdings Corporation is leading the efforts of the Corporate Communication Department of Sanwa Holdings Corporation, Human Resource & General Affairs Department of Sanwa Shutter Corporation and Health Insurance Association of Sanwa Holdings Corporation to build an effective promotion framework and provide support for the maintenance and improvement of Group employees' health.


In May 2022, we set KPIs that are linked to our ESG material issues. To better manage health, we set the following targets.

Targets (KPI) Target Year Achievements and
progress in fiscal 2022
Future challenges
Overweight rate(BMI 25 and above): 30% FY2030 34.1% ・Strengthening health guidance and continuing support activities
Smoking rate: 25% 29.8%
Complete checkup ( rate: 60% 26.7%
Rate of taking annual paid leaves: 55% 50.6%

Employee Health Initiatives

Initiatives toward global health issues

The Sanwa Group provides employees traveling overseas on business or assigned to work overseas, as well as their accompanying family members, with vaccinations prior to their departure recommended for each location by the Quarantine Information Office of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. Through pre-departure training, we educate these employees about global health issues, such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.

At the overseas business sites of the Sanwa Group, we have stockpiled supplies as a safety measure against novel influenza pandemics. At business sites located in areas with malaria, we pay the costs for preventive anti-malarial medicine for employees traveling overseas on business or assigned to work overseas as well as their accompanying family members. We also have rules in place on how to respond in case of an infection. In this way, we are implementing health measures for employees and their families.

In addition, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Sanwa Group and partner companies ensure that employees wear masks, that we have sanitizer on hand at every business site, and that we encourage hand washing and throat rinsing, and check body temperatures.

Health Checkups

The Sanwa Holdings Corporation Health Insurance Association assists with the cost of complete medical checkups, screenings for lifestyle diseases (after age 30), dental health guidance, and flu vaccines in order to prevent illness and facilitate the early discovery and treatment of disease.
We have established a health management system where employees and their family members can work safely and healthily overseas. Employees assigned to work overseas and their accompanying family members receive health exams before leaving, after returning home, and annually during their assignment. To detect cancer, the number one cause of death for Japanese nationals, Sanwa Shutter Corporation participates in the “Cancer Countermeasure Promotion Company Action” and distributes handbooks to every department recommending cancer screenings. In this way, we are raising awareness of cancer and encouraging employees to undergo screenings.

Partnership with a Private Fitness Club

To promote maintenance and improvement of health and physical strength, the Sanwa Holdings Corporation Health Insurance Association partners with a private fitness club to provide exercise opportunities for Sanwa Group employees and their families.

Morning Radio Calisthenics

Radio calisthenics are conducted in workplaces at the morning assembly each day. Exercising the whole body can improve concentration, enhance safety awareness and increase productivity of employees.

Establishment of Health Care Room

A Health Care Room has been set up next to the cafeteria of the head office of Sanwa Shutter Corporation. In addition to maintenance and improvement of employee health, it is a place where employees can work on and think about their physical condition.

Establishment of Company Holiday Facilities

The Sanwa Group owns health resorts and vacation condominiums in 10 locations throughout Japan, including in Izu and Yufuin. These facilities promote the health improvement and physical and mental rejuvenation of Sanwa Group employees, retired employees and their family members.

Reinstatement Diagnosis Program

  • In fiscal 2012, the Sanwa Shutter Corporation introduced a “reinstatement diagnosis program” for employees returning to work after a period of absence due to a mental illness. The program provides support to employees to clarify the reinstatement process and facilitate their return to work.
    Personnel from general affairs and an industrial physician carefully check the intention and volition of the employee returning to work as well as his or her physical condition before making a decision on whether reinstatement is appropriate. Efforts are made to ensure employees do not relapse after returning to work by taking a flexible approach to working hours and duties, and for one year after returning to work the Sanwa Shutter Corporation conducts detailed follow-up interviews to check on the employee’s health and work performance and to recommend medical examinations as necessary.

  • Program

    • (1)Apply to return to work
    • (2)Receipt and confirmation of application
    • (3)Three-person interview
    • (4)Check work environment and share information
    • (5)Consult with an industrial physician
    • (6)Decision on eligibility to return to work
    • (7)Check reinstatement diagnosis program
    • (8)Final decision on eligibility to return to work
    • (9)Follow-up after reinstatement
      Interview with personnel from general affairs

Company-wide Introduction of EAP Service

Sanwa Shutter Corporation introduced an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in August 2019 to promote mental health. With this service, a specialist counselor (clinical psychologist, industrial counselor) provides counseling on employee concerns and worries, such as their work, workplace, and personal relations.

Workshop to Seek the "Sanwa Way"

A workshop titled "The Sanwa Way" was held for mid-level employees of domestic Sanwa Group companies to strengthen engagement with the Group's shared values.

Initiatives of the Sanwa Group Health & Safety Month

Entry from "My Healthy Meal"
Initiative for “Let’s Get Healthier”

As a first step for improving the physical and mental wellbeing of every employee, starting in FY2019 the Sanwa Group has designated July as Sanwa Group Health & Safety Month. During May, we carry out multiple health promotion initiatives.
By providing information via the intranet and Company newsletter, we also helped boost employee engagement.

FY Initiatives. Details
2019 My Health Declaration Encouraged employees to set their own targets for improving their personal habits and promoted behavioral changes
2020 My Healthy Meal Invited employees to submit entries for My Healthy Meal, a basic health management program focused on daily eating habits that employees can participate in from home
2021 Living Habit Improvement Calendar, Invited employees to submit daily calendars with the results of their actions for improved living habits and to achieve their targets, based on the belief that maintaining good habits and recordkeeping are important parts of health management
2022 “Let’s Get Healthier” program Distributed reports on using dietary health products, exercise, and smoking cessation with the aim of reducing obesity rates and smoking rates, part of our health-related KPIs
2023 Pleasant sleeping campaign Collected tips for sleeping well that were put into use by employees